Logos &


Grow your business with a professional logo and branding that fits your company perfectly and leaves a lasting impression. Because having a generic logo, is overused and too common and will not uphold the brand it represents. Part of having a successful business is having a successful logo and branding.

Why have a customized logo?

Every company has a story, no matter the size or how long they’ve been in business. The logo is the face of your company and should tell that story. A good logo is more than just text and an image. It should capture the essence of the company while still being original, eye-catching and memorable.


The Highest Quality`

A creative logo that meets the needs of your business

Simple And Elegant

The design elements I use in my logos stem from my background in fine arts, combined with my knowledge of graphic design and marketing. I use a wide range of skills to create different types of logos depending on the needs of the company. If a company has a “minimalist” approach, they may want a simple and clean look.

Bold and Vibrant

Other companies may want a bold and more vibrant look, having full color in addition to creative line. A camping supply business may want a logo with colors seen in nature to help customers associate their brand with the outdoors. An ice cream shop is another example of a business that would benefit from full color because the store front itself ususally has bright colors, so would need a logo to match the happy and welcoming presence.

Custom Branding Packaging

Represent Your Brand They Way it Deserves to Be.

Getting custom branding packaging has never been easier.

Whether you need just a logo or you need a full branding for your company, you are able to build your own package to get exactly what you need. 


If all you need is a logo, I can absolutely make that happen. It will include an original and creative logo in a vector file format as well as the list of color(s) used in the logo.

Company Web Graphics

Sometimes a company will already have their logo done, but may need more for their website. Since I have a background in creating graphics for websites, I understand having only a logo may not be enough. I can also provide the essential graphics needed for a successful webiste such as a favicon, icons, or other custom images to create a memorable website. 


Now that you have your awesome logo and some grahics for your website, you may need even more to launch your business right. With a customized branding package, you include other essentals such as designs for official business stationary, a business card, or product labels.  

How it works

Communicate Company Needs

Communication of specific needs is essential. It’s important to know the specific items that would be needed to help your company grow. If you are unsure, I can also help give suggestions about what I’ve done for other companies. Effective communication can happen over email and phone, virtual video calls, or in-person meetings.

Sketch, Create, Present

After communication of what is needed, I sketch out ideas of layout, create graphics that can be used, and conduct marketing research if necessary. As layouts and designs are created they are presented for approval or revisions if needed.

Packaging Options

When final drafts are agreed upon, I create a branding package that includes, vector files of graphics used, names of fonts and colors used, and other details the company would need to use their new branding package.

What Other Customers Are Saying

“Colorful, realistic and clean. It’s given a face to my business and helped us look more professional. Many of my customers have commented on how professional my logo, branding and website looked and that it lead them to contact me for business.”

“Clean and well put together. She was knowledgeable about what my business needed to grow and produced everything in a timely manner.”


Your New And Updated Logo or Branding Is Just Around The Corner 

Illustrate Creativity


If you are interested in one logo design or a branding package, please send a message that includes what you are looking for and any necessary details. I look forward to hearing from you!

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